Benefits of Social Media for the Business

Chess & Checkers Games
6 min readJul 26, 2021

by Vanessa Brasseaux

For over a decade, social media has been one of the fastest-growing industries in the technology sector. Some platforms have over a billion users! It is no surprise that more and more companies are creating their social media profiles and are using the power that it holds. It gives them many great opportunities to produce and monetize content provided by active creators/companies.

Why did we join social media platforms?

Chess & Checkers Games has started being present on social platforms just recently. We saw the opportunity of creating a community for our users to connect them and make the experience of playing our apps with our multiplayer feature even more accessible. Thanks to that, our players can enjoy their experiences and find new friends/players with the same interests. Additionally, suggestions and evaluations help the company get an idea of what to work on next/fix.

Which social media platform should you use for your business?

In 2020 the top 5 most used social media apps were: Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, Facebook. Chess & Checkers Games use all of the above and Discord as well. All of the apps are considerably similar to each other in terms of sharing personalized content to different audiences. For the company, it is essential to get to a target audience. The process of achieving such a goal is complex. For instance, the TikTok app’s audience is estimated to be under the age of 34, and if the company’s audience is older, the app seems to be not the right one. However, it can be a technique and a tool to reach a larger audience. Besides higher sales, social media is also a great way to present the company’s character and show the insides. By choosing the right platform and putting some effort into it, the results can be significant on a large scale.

So which platform? Let’s break it down:

  • Instagram is like a personalized online gallery. It is a visual app, with eye-catching images. Creators interact with their audience by using Instagram features like Stories. The content in the stories must be more personal and relatable. Because of them, Micro-Influencers are getting noticed on the market. Followers are tired of saturated content and want something that applies to them and allows them to interact personally.
  • TikTok, a mobile app that took the world by a big surprise. Thanks to the amazing algorithm the app makes it more possible to go viral without a large number of following. It is a great platform to get seen at a faster pace. However, we cannot forget about the marketing power that this platform holds. A great example of it is that any product that goes viral sells out in seconds. The algorithm is a huge success, as it can precisely provide videos for its audience in their interests. The best advantage of TikTok is that the audience likes the simplicity of the recordings and sharing short-form videos. The posts are spontaneous, genuine and exciting. For business purposes, it is necessary to remember not to get scared of the young age of the receivers. This platform encourages youth to be creative and open-minded. Furthermore, TikTok is a great way to expand awareness about the business product and branch it out to a younger audience.
  • Facebook is the largest platform in the world with over 2.5 billion monthly users. The account can be easy to maintain. Content on Facebook can be very versatile. Because of its large platform It is possible to put out a wide selection of posts. The main focus is to keep in touch with the audience regularly.
  • YouTube is a great way to repurpose your content. Additionally, Google Universal Search videos appear in the search bar, and one may find the content of the interest. It also brings in better exposure to the content and the company. One of the best ways to stand out is to present the company from the inside and give the consumer the desired experience.
  • Discord can be intimidating in the meaning of starting a community from fresh. The app is made for players to communicate. Which sounds great but unfortunately the most challenging part of it is the creation of such a group.
    It is essential to create at least two social platforms beforehand to be able to take advantage of cross-promotion. Even though it might sound more complex it can be very beneficial in the long run.

What kind of content can your company provide?

As a company, it may be more challenging to produce daily content while comparing to an influencer. Why? Influencers can produce content on every single topic that is happening in the world. On the contrary, a business account can mainly showcase a product or additional topics that are in the range of the industry. Considering that, it doesn’t mean the produced content has to be repetitive and predictable. There are many ways to spice up accounts.

One of the best ways to achieve it is to mix up posts. People are very interested in seeing exclusive content and how the company accomplished their success. Appearance on the profile should vary and can be about a relative subject or insides.

Another great way to get the audience involved is to create engaging stories such as ask what they do or do not like in your product, quizzes, ask questions on different topics, respond to their direct messages, create challenges, and many more. Remember that creativity and patience is the key while building a platform.

On social media there is a large amount of audience with specific interests. It is hard to stand out at first with a new profile while starting out. The best way to progress is to keep an eye on the insights and pay attention to which posts the audience interacts with most. That will help out enormously. Persistence and determination lead the company to success.

How to boost your account?

There is no secret recipe to gain an enormous amount of followers in a short time. But there are a few steps that will help out to achieve goals a little bit faster.

  • Posts — While posting, add location and hashtags. It brings more people (not only from the explore page) that are interested in similar topics.
  • Engage — After publishing a post, engage with other creators. Leave comments, give likes and follow new people, tap into the location and interact. This strategy makes a huge difference in the insights.

Partnering with influencers

It is no secret that influencers are one of the most influential people in the marketing industry. One of the advantages of partnering with social media stars is bringing exposure to the company with a targeted audience. To find the perfect social media star, focus on a few key points:

  • Find an influencer in your niche,
  • Calculate the engagement,
  • Create a personalized campaign on a targeted video of the potential influencer,
  • Come to an agreement on which platform you want the influencer to promote your product on,
  • Negotiate the rights to use the provided content by an influencer to use it for a limited time (for your campaigns, social platforms, creatives),
  • Allow influencers a free hand, how they want to prepare/record the sponsored video. However, provide them with keywords that are important to reach the goal you want to present your product,
  • One of the most forgotten steps is to verify the authenticity of followers. It is illegal to buy fake followers, likes, and views. It will affect the performance of your partnership enormously.


Social media brings in the ability to humanize your brand. That alone is worth it for the company to invest their time in social media. Posting a personal touch to a product and making a community shows the customer the importance of their support. Additionally it brings the opportunity to increase brand awareness by partnering with different brands/influencers.

Vanessa is the Social Media Specialist at Chess & Checkers Games.

